Curriculum Effectuation Expert

Curriculum for Entrepreneurial Action in Consulting and Practice

Uncertainty and complexity are omnipresent today – our world seems to have gone VUCA in many regards. Entrepreneurial thinking and acting turn uncertainty into opportunity. This applies not only to the founding of companies. Opportunities can be created wherever the future of a person / a team / an organization is not predictable but can be shaped by action. When “sitting and thinking” does not lead to results, entrepreneurial action is called for.

Effectuation is the entrepreneurial method: scientifically founded and practically tested. As consultants and researchers, we have brought Effectuation into the German-speaking countries, disseminated it and tested it in various fields of application. In the “Effectuation Expert” curriculum, we provide detailed and action-oriented information on the professional use of Effectuation as a consultant, practitioner and multiplier. With the Curriculum 2020, this innovative course enters its fifth turn – and the first one in English language.

Your Benefit

  • You will acquire up-to-date, scientifically sound and practically proven knowledge on entrepreneurial expertise.
  • You gain sovereignty in decision-making and acting under uncertainty – both as an agent and as a consultant.
  • You develop innovative tools for working with individuals, teams and organizations in dynamic and complex fields of action.
  • You integrate a sought-after and versatile method into your (consulting) portfolio.
  • You become part of an entrepreneurial community

The Target Group

  • Trainers and facilitators who carry out seminars, workshops or processes for shaping the future
  • Internal and external consultants who want to expand their method portfolio
  • Coaches and consultants for topics under high uncertainty
  • Lecturers at universities and schools
  • Entrepreneurs, managers and innovation managers
  • Persons supporting founders and start-ups

The Program

The path to the Effectuation Expert leads via 5 modules of 3 days each. On the day of arrival, we work from 13:00 to 20:00, on the second day from 9:00 to 18:30 (evening unit possible) and on the third day from 9:00 to 13:00. Between the individual modules you work – individually and in learning groups – on the transfer into your own field of application.


Knowledge inputs are digested and deepened in a variety of group and individual exercises. In addition, much time is invested in the reflection of transfer tasks and in generative work based on the models presented. Learning group work, transfer tasks and in-depth literature study between the modules ensure that Effectuation is well anchored in the personal context.


You want to get to know Effectuation and use it in your own projects inside and outside your organization? You want to acquire the necessary knowledge to present Effectuation and support others in your projects under uncertainty as well? You want to integrate Effectuation into your portfolio as an intrapreneur, consultant or multiplier? Do you want to be part of a community that thinks further and makes Effectuation work in different fields of action? To graduate as an “Effectuation Expert” you will complete modules 1 to 5 and apply what you have learned in your own practical project under supervision.

Module 1: The Basics

We create a common understanding of what effectuation is and what it is not, how it is explored, where it works. At the same time, we are building a common learning system and we are exploring how, by cleverly combining the resources of all participants, we can co-create a course that is beneficial to all. This also includes the selection of individual projects, in-depth literature and transfer tasks.

Module 2: Focus on the individual

Our attention is focused on the acting agent, the entrepreneur – in the narrower as well as in the broader sense. In exercises and reflection, we carve out how to optimally accompany and support them. This requires special tools, but also an entrepreneurial attitude, which we test on our own projects. Here we also borrow from related and complementary approaches to consulting and support for individuals.

Module 3: Focus on team & organization

The conditions in teams and organisations are different from those found on the free market. We explore how entrepreneurial competence can be used effectively in these contexts to counter uncertainties and create the future. One central topic in this module is a process we have developed and tried and tested in many projects – the “Market of Makers”.

Module 4: Focus on your own field of application

What are we going to do with all this? Now your personal resources (motives, skills, network) come to bear. It is about transferring entrepreneurial expertise conclusively to your own context of action. We develop case studies, tools, metaphors and other media to convey entrepreneurial expertise. We will practice and refine target group and context-specific application, presentation and didactics in series of prototypes.

Module 5: Context extension and integration

You will present your project, will be feedbacked by colleagues and trainers on the next steps and you will advise your colleagues on their projects. We also undertake extended excursions beyond the horizon to related models of future design (Scrum, Business Model Canvas, Blue Ocean, Lean Startup, …). Finally, we award certificates and celebrate the conclusion.

Dates EE2019

M1 24.-26.01.2019 (Berlin)
M2 07.-09.03.2019 (München)
M3 02.-04.05.2019  (Tegernsee)
M4 05.-07.09.2019  (Ostsee)
M5 24.-26.10.2019  (Köln)

Dates EE2020

M1 24.-26.09.2020
M2 12.-14.11.2020
M3 14.-16.01.2021
M4 25.-27.02.2021
M5 06.-08.05.2021


Easily accessible locations across Europe are negotiated and defined with the participants.


Michael Faschingbauer is an organizational consultant, trainer, lecturer and speaker based in Graz (Austria). He is regarded as a pioneer in the transfer of Effectuation (method of entrepreneurial expertise) into consulting, business practice and various fields of action under uncertainty. His book “Effectuation: How Successful Entrepreneurs Think, Decide and Act” was named “Management Book of the Year 2010” and included in the getAbstract shortlist of the best 5 German-language business books.


Prof. René Mauer is Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at ESCP Europe (Campus Berlin) and one of the leading researchers on Effectuation in the German-speaking world. Consultant and trainer for Effectuation, Improvisation and Innovation. Work experience at 3M, in start-ups and in consulting. Co-owner of a family business and co-founder of a technology company. Guest author in “Effectuation: How successful entrepreneurs think, decide and act”, “Das unternehmerische Unternehmen” and “Understanding the Entrepreneurial Mind”, co-author of “Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial thinking, decision-making and acting in innovative and technology-oriented companies”.


6.950.- excl. VAT when booking the entire Curriculum Effectuation Expert.

The prices do not include any seminar flat rates and accommodation costs. We grant discounts for private payers, NPO and groups in well-founded cases on request.


A detailed information and selection interview is a prerequisite for participation. If you are interested in the curriculum, please call us or send us an e-mail – we will also be happy to call you back.

Michael Faschingbauer, +43 699 11308139

René Mauer, +49 172 2963284

The number of participants is limited to 15.

Das Buch zum Lehrgang

Faschingbauer, M (2017): Effectuation. Wie erfolgreiche Unternehmer denken, entscheiden und handeln. Schäffer-Poeschel. 3. überarb. und erw. Auflage.

Why Effectuation?

Globale Forschung

15 Jahre Forschungsgeschichte, mehr als 120 Studien und 10 Bücher in 5 Sprachen machen Effectuation zur aktuell heißesten Strömung in der Entrepreneurship-Forschung und -Praxis rund um den Globus.

Universelle Methode

Keine graue Theorie: Effectuation ist eine lernbare Methode, die auf unterschiedlichste Situationen und Kontexte der Ungewissheit angewandt werden kann. Effectuation macht handlungsfähig, wenn “sitzen-und-denken” nicht funktioniert.


Aktive Community

Die laufende Weiterentwicklung des Themas betreiben wir in Kooperation mit der Society for Effectual Action, einer globalen Online-Community von über tausend ForscherInnen und DozentInnen unternehmerischer Expertise.


Aktuell in den Medien

Effectuation ist Thema aktuelle Cover-Stories in Impulse Wissen (Die Macht des Zufalls), im Inc Magazin (Inside the mind of great entrepreneurs) und Beiträgen in Handelsblatt, managerSeminare und ZeitschriftOrganisationsentwicklung.


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